Supervisor de actividades
Gestor de actividades
Ayudar, acompañar y transportar a los pacientes de un lugar a otro dentro de la institución médica, conforme a las instrucciones del equipo médico y aplicando las normas de higiene, para garantizar su seguridad.
Alfabetización obligatoria.
No se requiere.
Under Supervision
Capacity to ensure adequate use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Under Supervision
Knowledge and respect of universal standard precautions
Knowledge and respect of disinfection material guidelinesL1 Knowledge and respect of universal standard precautions
Knowledge and respect of disinfection material guidelines
Under Supervision
Capable to implement basic patient handling procedures (ref. Red Cross guidelines)
Under Supervision
Able to understand basic medical vocabulary about patient conditions
Demonstrates knowledge of and accepts MSF’s principles
Accepts changes
Restrains emotional reactions and responds calmly
Performs his/her work
Knows and understands clients’ needs and interests
Acknowledges the importance of teamwork and cooperation
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