

Niveau   12

Responsabilité Hiérarchique

Coordinateur de projet

Responsabilité Fonctionnelle

Coordinateur médical

Domaine Professionnel


But principal

Participer à la définition, la planification et le suivi des activités et programmes médicaux sur le projet conformément aux protocoles MSF , et coordonner les ressources humaines et matérielles nécessaires afin de garantir la qualité des soins médicaux dispensés par MSF.


  • En collaboration avec le coordinateur de projet et le reste de l'équipe, le coordinateur médical et les partenaires du ministère de la Santé, définir et mettre en œuvre les activités médicales conformément au plan de projet, aux normes et aux protocoles MSF , et assurer le suivi de ces activités. Ceci implique:
  • d'assurer la collecte des données médicales, leur analyse et leur communication à la coordination médicale de la capitale, afin de garantir le suivi adéquat du programme;
  • de participer au développement de la politique du projet, du plan annuel, de la proposition de projet et des rapports aux donateurs, ainsi qu'à l'examen du budget;
  • de participer à des missions d'exploration et des évaluations du terrain, pour définir les priorités médicales et donc les opérations à mener si nécessaire; et
  • d'assurer des contacts réguliers avec le ministère de la Santé et d'autres intervenants locaux dans le domaine médical.
  • Suivre les activités dans les différentes disciplines médicales, et apporter un soutien technique au personnel médical sur le terrain à travers vos propres connaissances ainsi que différentes règles, afin de soutenir le travail médical de MSF sur le terrain. Ceci inclut donc le suivi et le contrôle du respect des protocoles médicaux MSF.
  • Coordonner, superviser et coacher les membres de l'équipe médicale afin de soutenir leurs performances afin de renforcer la composante médicale du projet et assurer le respect des protocoles et normes MSF ainsi que des protocoles du ministère de la Santé.
  • Planifier et superviser, en coordination étroite avec le coordinateur de projet, la gestion du personnel médical du projet (recruitement, formation, induction, évaluation des performances, développement et communication interne/externe) afin de garantir des ressources adéquates (effectif et connaissances) et développer leurs compétences.
  • Superviser la gestion efficiente de la pharmacie et du matériel médical MSF sur le terrain, en conjonction avec le département logistique et le service biomédical du projet,en compte des lignes directrices du programme et des modifications de protocoles. Fait le suivi de consommation et prépare les commandes médicales afin d'approvisionner les médicaments ,matériels médicaux, dispositifs médicaux, y compris les consommables et pieces détachées associes afin d'éviter les ruptures de stock et dispenser les médicaments requis en toutes circonstances..
    • Appliquer la politique d'hygiène et de sécurité pour le personnel international et national, et mettre en place toutes les mesures prophylactiques et préventives nécessaires ainsi que des structures et des plans d'intervention d'urgence, afin de gérer toute évacuation médicale et protéger la santé du personnel MSF.


Essentiel - Diplôme de médecine ou paramédical. Souhaité - Spécialisation ou formation en médecine tropicale ou formation apparentée. Critère essentiel pour MSF Belgique (OCB) et MSF Espagne (OCBA).


  • Essentiel- Expérience de 2ans liée au diplôme et expérience antérieure du travail avec MSF sur le terrain.

Language Level Description

C1  Proficient User

Effective Operational Proficiency or advanced

  • Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning.
  • Can express ideas fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.
  • Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.
  • Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.

Technical Skills

Data management


Able to analyze complex and heterogeneous data 

Able to ensure data quality controlL3  Able to analyze complex and heterogeneous data 

Able to ensure data quality control

Person / material hygiene


Audit and/or design PPE implementation

Infection control


Understanding of bio-hazard risk (secure waste disposal)

Appropriation of MSF Infection control protocols and proceduresL3 Understanding of bio-hazard risk (secure waste disposal)

Appropriation of MSF Infection control protocols and procedures

Food Hygiene


Able to provide quality control mechanisms for propoer storage practices according to MSF standards



 Able to perform rational use of prescription analysis

Able to ensure quality control on drug management

Knowledge of drugs: action, interaction and side effects

Able to evaluate the quality level of patient therapy education

Mastery of pharmacy management softwareL4 Able to perform rational use of prescription analysis

Able to ensure quality control on drug management

Knowledge of drugs: action, interaction and side effects

Able to evaluate the quality level of patient therapy education

Mastery of pharmacy management software



Knowledge of stock management principles ( stock out risk, calculation of stock level, alarm follow-up)

Able to use MSF supply software at project level

Familiar with cold chain principlesL2 Knowledge of stock management principles ( stock out risk, calculation of stock level, alarm follow-up)

Able to use MSF supply software at project level

Familiar with cold chain principles



Knowledge of administration therapeutic techniques (mouth, spoon, NG tube, sucking technique)

Knowledge of MSF nutrition protocols, guidelines and therapeutic choicesL3 Knowledge of administration therapeutic techniques (mouth, spoon, NG tube, sucking technique)

Knowledge of MSF nutrition protocols, guidelines and therapeutic choices

Clinical competence


Able to identify basic pathological conditions (apathy, anorexia, see jd…)

Capacity to address to specific medical conditions (hypothermia and fever)


Under Supervision

Able to perform basic local anesthesia 

Knowledge of anesthetic drugs for local anesthesia


Under Supervision

Knowledge of medical epidemiology principles (mortality, morbidity, evolution of out brakes)



Able to use rapid diagnostic tests (malaria, syphilis, hemoglobin, glucose, etc)

Public health

Under Supervision

Knowledge on health system functioning

Knowledge on health policy design

Bio Med


Capacity to provide basic periodic maintenance of biomedical device



Able to identify SGBV victims and handle post exposure prophylaxis


Under Supervision

Basic theoretical knowledge of HIV and TB (symptoms, disease steps, treatment)

Able to perform clinical consultation of HIV/TB patients

Knowledge of MSF HIV/TB protocols, guidelines and therapeutic choices

MW Be able to design and implement an PMTCT program



Able to validate therapeutic protocols

Able to design a coherent referent system (reference criteria identification, reference structure validation/network, referred case follow-up system)

Transversal Competencies

Strategic Vision

Has an overview and links current actions with organisational objectives

  • Contributes towards the global vision.
  • Relates the objectives of his/her project to MSF’s objectives.
  • Is able to distinguish between working activities that give value to MSF’s objectives and those that do not.
  • Sets and maintains an order of priorities in his/her work according to MSF’s strategic objectives. 

Planning and Organising

Enables others to organize

  • Provides support and offers alternatives to ensure that everyone in the team is able to plan/organise his/her own job.
  • Ensures objectives are well defined, shared and acknowledged by the whole team.
  • Involves the team in discussions on planning to increase efficiency.
  • Is able to use other people’s planning to monitor activities.
  • Enables others to organise and plan ahead, based on clear and structured vision.
  • Organises plans and objectives according to the long-term vision.
  • When a new situation arises, foresees the time required (by him/herself and others) and makes small organisational or time-related changes to deal with it.
  • Provides reports from meetings with main points agreed and next steps proposed.
  • Makes sure that everyone involved in a task is aware of its existence, knows the expected results and by when they are to be achieved. 

Teamwork and Cooperation

Builds team spirit within the organisation

  • Fosters and encourages collaboration between members of different teams, services and departments, even in difficult situations.
  • Explains to others (in meetings, speeches, etc.) the importance of working in teams.
  • Acts by example. 


Uses actions and indirect influences to persuade

  • Gives solid and coherent arguments to support his/her points to the interlocutor, stressing the key information.
  • Uses different communication tools and means (internal and external resources) to get the message across.
  • Selects communication strategies to have a persuasive impact on the interlocutor.
  • Seeks backup from experts and third parties to strengthen his/her point of view.
  • Manages his/her emotions. 

People Management and Development

Works on the growth and development of team members

  • Offers each team member an equal opportunity to succeed.
  • Publicly acknowledges good performance and positively reinforces it.
  • Considers the personal development of each team member and proposes an individual development plan. 

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