Chef de mission
Le référent HR de la cellule au siège
Administration, ressources humaines, finances
Définir, adapter, planifier et superviser la mise en oeuvre des politiques RH de la mission et s’assurer qu’elles sont cohérentes avec le contexte, les défis opérationnels et la stratégie RH.
En tant que partenaire stratégique des Opérations, contribuer à la définition et à la mise en œuvre des objectifs de la mission, assurer que la mission dispose des capacités en RH nécessaires, mesurer et améliorer les compétences du personnel en mission et contribuer ainsi activement à la réalisation des objectifs de la mission. Ces responsabilités seront mises en œuvre conformément à la vision RH et aux valeurs de MSF.
Être le garant de la responsabilité de MSF en sa qualité d’employeur, contribuer, à tous les niveaux, à la bonne gestion des RH et assumer l’entière responsabilité des problèmes administratifs et juridiques de la mission.
Indispensable : diplôme en gestion des RH ou études relatives à la gestion administrative
Indispensable : expérience professionnelle d’au moins deux ans dans des postes similaires ou comparables.
Able to analyze the local HR context of the mission
Able to advise on the analyze of the HR organization of the project (workload, tasks allocation, needs calculation,...)
Able to define the HR strategy of the mission, integrating both operational needs and the one of the organization - global HR strategy (OC and international level)
Able to evaluate and plan the activities to put in place in order to implement the strategy
Able to analyze the local legal context with the support of MSF tools
Able to organize the legal protection of the mission by identifying a local legal expert able to advise the organization, using guidelines and with the advise of legal adviser in HQ if necessary
Able to ensure the follow up of court cases, liaising with the HQ and the local legal expert
Able to write / co write a draft of any contractual document taking into account the local law and MSF policies and submit if necessary to the local and or HQ legal advisor
Able to ensure the follow up of the different taxes payment (fiscal obligation)
Able to explain and ensure the proper implementation of policies, tools and processes related to legal management of the project (contract, rent,...)
Able to follow up legal aspects of the project management
Able to put in place a system to ensure the proper legal management of the project
Able to implement MSF administrative policies and tools (MSP, Health care package, GPS,...)
Able to implement processes autonomously and propose improvement in order to adapt them to the mission/project
Able to implement the function grid
Able to implement a salary revision
Able to support the supervisors to detect people with potentials based on competencies
Able to propose career development plan for national staff
Able to follow up career development plans
Able to define objectives for specific trainings according to specific needs detected
Able to develop basic training sessions in own area
Able to make an assessment of training needs in a team/mission
Able to facilitate training sessions and to train other facilitators
Able to advise the coordinators / supervisors / activity managers on how to define organizational structures and design organization charts
Able to advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers on how put in place a system of meetings and communication flows adapted to the situation of their teams and to their activities
Able to advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers on how to give and receive feedback in order to improve team work
Able to analyse (de)motivation factors in a team and advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers in terms of motivation
Able to advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers on how to delegate and on how to supervise
Able to advise and assist coordinators / supervisors / activity managers in case of conflicts or stress detected within a team
Able to use the IT system as a management tool, by extracting all the relevant data, analyzing them and drawing conclusion
Has an overview and links current actions with organisational objectives
Enables others to organize
Builds team spirit within the organisation
Uses actions and indirect influences to persuade
Works on the growth and development of team members
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