Coordinateur du projet /Responsable Logistique/ Coordinateur du projet LTL
Coordinateur de la Chaine D’Approvisionnement ou Coordinateur Logistique
Logistique et Approvisionnement
Définir coordonner et contrôler les activités de la chaîne d'approvisionnement conformément aux protocoles, normes et procédures MSF avec l’objectif d’assurer le fonctionnement optimal du projet.
Diplôme essentiel et Spécialisation dans la Logistique / Chaine D’Approvisionnement, un atout
Minimum deux ans d’expérience dans Chaine D’Approvisionnement
Able to use all the warehouse's devices and premises
Knowledge of warehouse layout and good flows
Able to use basic administrative tools (stock cards)
Able to explain safety and security guidelines about warehousing
Quality control knowledge
Understanding of good distribution practices (GDP) on handling, controlling and storing
Able to explain picking packing techniques for different types of items (cold chain, DGR...)
Able to follow the instructions coming from a specific stock management theory (FEFO, shelf line, etc.)
Able to read incoming transport documents and to write outcoming transport documents
Capacity to detect anomalies at the moment of reception and to declare a claim.
Able to bargain prices and the sell's conditions
Able to compare quotations
Able to make basic contracts.
Able to use supply software in the entire supply chain.
Able to calculate stock levels, thresholds and consumptions
Able to work according to client requirements
Knowledge of downstream claim management
Able to establish customer reports.
Able to collect indicators and to analyse them with regards to their activities
Update MSF Supply information systems and alert stakeholder at milestones and when data accuracy is question, in a proactive and interdepartemental collaboration.
Demonstrates loyalty, awareness and respect for MSF’s values
Adapts behaviour to the needs of the situation
Improves performance and sets ambitious and realistic goals
Encourages, engages and motivates people to work as a team
Gives feedback and sets limits
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