

Niveau   9

Responsabilité Hiérarchique

Responsable activité (le cas échéant) / Coordinateur projet

Responsabilité Fonctionnelle

Responsable activité (le cas échéant) / Référent médical projet –MTL-MFP (le cas échéant) / Coordinateur médical

Domaine Professionnel


But principal

Fournir des soins médicaux en ambulatoire et en hospitalisation aux patients et aux bénéficiaires des soins conformément à des connaissances médicales appropriées et actualisées, aux protocoles, aux valeurs et aux critères universels d’hygiène de MSF afin d’améliorer l’état de santé des patients et bénéficiaires.



  • Appliquer ses connaissances et ses compétences médicales au diagnostic et à la prévention. Donner des consultations en ambulatoire et en hospitalisation, et prescrire le traitement nécessaire en respectant les protocoles MSF.
  • Informer le patient ou sa famille au sujet de la maladie et donner les explications nécessaires sur le traitement à suivre en s’assurant qu’elles ont été comprises. | |
  • Faire le suivi de l’évolution des patients hospitalisés, avec des visites journalières, des consultations et des examens, prescrire le traitement nécessaire en respectant les protocoles MSF , décider si le patient peut être autorisé à quitter l’hôpital ou être transféré dans un autre service – en collaboration avec d’autres médecins – et tenir la famille informée de l’évolution du patient.
  • Vérifier et superviser la distribution rationnelle des médicaments et de l’équipement sous sa responsabilité et veiller à la qualité, à la désinfection et à la stérilisation du matériel médical. Assurer la conformité générale aux critères d’hygiène usuels.
  • Participer au recueil et à l’analyse des données épistémologiques, en vérifiant leur validité et en informant le responsable hiérarchique ou le coordinateur de terrain de tout problème ou complication concernant la maladie du patient, ou erreur médicale; superviser le bon fonctionnement du service, de l’équipement et du matériel.
  • Assurer la formation continue de l’équipe pluridisciplinaire médicale et paramédicale de façon à optimiser la qualité des soins.
  • Connaître tous les protocoles médicaux de MSF et veiller à ce qu’ils soient appliqués et mis en œuvre en vérifiant que les précautions universelles sont observées à tout moment, en réduisant les risques biologiques et en améliorant la prévention des infections. Veiller à ce que le secret professionnel soit respecté.
  • Diriger l’équipe sous sa responsabilité selon la politique et les procédures RH de MSF , en supervisant le travail, en organisant et en programmant la composition et la rotation des équipes, et en participant directement aux urgences et aux gardes si nécessaire. |


Diplôme de docteur en médecine. Diplôme en médecine tropicale souhaitable (pour OCB et OCBA la médecine tropicale est indispensable).


  • Minimum 2 ans d’expérience en tant que médecin ou en pratique clinique (pendant la formation médicale éventuellement). Expérience souhaitable en médecine tropicale, ou bien expérience niveau 3e cycle en santé publique, gynéco-obst, pédiatrie, service des urgences, maladies infectieuses, VIH/sida/IST,TB, médecine générale ou petite chirurgie.

Language Level Description

B2  Independent User

Vantage or upper intermediate

  • Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation.
  • Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.
  • Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

Technical Skills

Data management


Able to provide routine data analysis

Person / material hygiene


Able to supervise use of PPE in a service or department

Infection control


Understanding of bio-hazard risk (secure waste disposal)

Appropriation of MSF Infection control protocols and proceduresL3 Understanding of bio-hazard risk (secure waste disposal)

Appropriation of MSF Infection control protocols and procedures

Patient handling


Capacity to compensate patient disability (moving, feeding, toileting)



Able to issue accurate drug prescriptions


Under Supervision

Able to manage ward/OT material stock (inventory, refilling)

Able to evaluate equipment status (availability, functioning)

L1  able to manage ward/OT material stock (inventory, refilling)

Able to evaluate equipment status (availability, functioning)



Knowledge of malnutrition management principles

Able to perform admission of malnourished children in the program (check-up at admission, prescription)

Clinical competence

Expert +

Able to follow a correct medical consultation process (anamnesis, clinical exams, differential diagnostic, possible additional exams, diagnosis and prescription)

Capacity to perform a diagnosis without full technical support (limited or no access to 2nd level exams)

Able to perform clinical triage and admission according to MSF criteria

Able to write a comprehensive report of activities


Under Supervision

Able to perform basic local anesthesia 

Knowledge of anesthetic drugs for local anesthesia


Under Supervision

Knowledge of medical epidemiology principles (mortality, morbidity, evolution of out brakes)



Able to use rapid diagnostic tests (malaria, syphilis, hemoglobin, glucose, etc)

Bio Med


Capacity to provide basic periodic maintenance of biomedical device



Capacity to manage an eutocic delivery: (labor identification and follow-up, delivery and postpartum activities)

Able to perform a first neonatal checkup 

Able to conduct a neonatal reanimation 

Able to recognize complication during pregnancy period, delivery and post-partum



Capacity to manage complex cases and second-line prescriptions

Knowledge of MSF HIV protocols, procedures and therapeutic choices



Knowledge of MSF emergency protocols, procedures and therapeutic choices


Under Supervision

Knowledge of local pathologies and of their treatment by the local traditional medicine

Capacity to foresee and plan preventive activities (vaccination, pre-natal screening, family planning)

Capacity to assess a health center (infrastructure, equipment, hygiene, quality of care) and to propose improvements


Under Supervision

NURSE Knowledge of technical support services (sterilization, laundry, kitchen) in terms of organization, processes and standard service level.

Capacity to assess the functioning of a service (infrastructure, equipment, hygiene, resources) and to propose improvements

Familiar with the notion of flow (patient, visitor, material, food, etc.) and ability to detect bottlenecks

MD Able to ensure a correct hospitalization process follow-up (ward round, case history management, presentation and discussion of complex cases)

Transversal Competencies

Commitment to MSF’s Principles

Demonstrates loyalty, awareness and respect for MSF’s values

  • Expresses his/her interest by talking/asking/giving informed opinions about MSF’s activities.
  • Expresses he/she wants to work with MSF because of its principles and mission.
  • Overtly expresses his/her satisfaction at belonging to MSF and defends MSF’s social mission.
  • Refers to beneficiaries* when speaking about his/her own work.
  • Always transmits a positive image of MSF in front of both colleagues and external people.
  • Translates the principles of MSF into actions.

Behavioural Flexibility

Adapts behaviour to the needs of the situation

  • Accepts decisions which are not completely in line with his/her personal opinions.
  • Is flexible in applying and adapting procedures.
  • Adapts his/her behaviour to the characteristics of the interlocutor and/or situation.
  • Learns from problems and difficulties, becoming more competent at resolving similar situations in the future.
  • Looks for adaptable solutions in order to achieve objectives.
  • Reassesses priorities when circumstances change, focusing on objectives. 

Stress Management

Understands other people’ s stress

  • Has an understanding attitude towards other people’s mistakes and shortcomings.
  • Gives calm and polite answers and repeats them patiently if necessary.
  • Uses techniques or plans activities to manage his/her own stress.
  • Responds and acts constructively in conflictive situations. 

Results and Quality Orientation

Works towards objectives, preserving established standards

  • Perseveres until the objectives of the job and the team have been met.
  • Complies with the procedures, processes and rules set by MSF.
  • Is aware that the purpose of his/her job is to meet the specified objectives.
  • Is autonomous.
  • Mobilizes resources.
  • Analyses problems and constraints. 

Teamwork and Cooperation

Shares information and coordinates with team and/or others

  • Shares significant information in a timely manner and actively seeks the opinion of team members or others through empathetic communication.
  • Allows others to question work/input if this leads to improvement.
  • Coordinates with other team members to ensure that common objectives are achieved.
  • Shows interest in and empathy with team members. 

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