

Niveau   7

Responsabilité Hiérarchique

Référent Médical Projet / Responsable Activités Santé Mentale/ Coordinateur du Projet

Responsabilité Fonctionnelle

Responsable Activités Santé Mentale / Référent Médical Projet / Coordinateur Médical

Domaine Professionnel

Médical & Paramédical

But principal

Apporter un soutien psychologique aux patients, conformément aux principes, normes et procédures MSF de manière à améliorer leur santé mentale.


  • Effectuer l’évaluation des besoins en santé mentale, établir un diagnostic et un plan de traitement, informer la famille des conséquences possibles de la maladie et du traitement médicamenteux à suivre et adresser les patients à d’autres professionnels quand c’est nécessaire, ceci de manière à dispenser le traitement le plus à même d’améliorer leur état de santé.
  • Mettre en œuvre le protocole de prise en charge des victimes de violences sexuelles (VVS), identifier les victimes de VVS et les adresser à l’équipe médicale en vue de leur dispenser le traitement nécessaire.
  • Dispenser un soutien psychologique et des séances de psychothérapie (individuelle, familiale, en groupe), conformément aux protocoles MSF et de manière à améliorer l’état de santé mentale des patients.
  • Aider et former les membres du personnel et si nécessaire d’autres acteurs afin d’élargir le champ des activités en santé mentale. Travailler en étroite collaboration avec les traducteurs afin de déterminer le vocabulaire et l’attitude à adopter pendant les sessions.
  • Collecter des statistiques et contrôler les données relatives aux activités en santé mentale
  • Informer son supérieur et l’équipe médicale de toute question ou problème susceptibles de survenir en lien avec le traitement, de manière à offrir la meilleure solution d’un point de vue médical.
  • Garantir la confidentialité de toute information relative au patient.


Diplôme en Psychologie, essentiel


  • Minimum 2 ans d’expérience en tant que Psychologue
  • Expérience souhaitable au sein de MSF ou d’une autre ONG dans les pays en voie de développement

Language Level Description

B1  Independent User

Threshold or intermediate

  • Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
  • Can deal with most situations likely to arise while travelling in an area where the language is spoken.
  • Can produce simple connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest.
  • Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

Technical Skills

Data management


Able to provide routine data analysis

Person / material hygiene


Able to supervise use of PPE in a service or department

Infection control

Under Supervision

Knowledge and respect of universal standard precautions

Knowledge and respect of disinfection material guidelinesL1 Knowledge and respect of universal standard precautions

Knowledge and respect of disinfection material guidelines



Able to issue accurate drug prescriptions



Able to provide training in counseling and technical supervision on counseling sessions (group and individual)

Able to make diagnosis and to provide appropriate psycho-social intervention accordingly

Able to develop counseling tools

Able to define, implement and coordinate counseling/psycho-social/education activities

Social Sciences methodology


Able to collect data using social sciences techniques such as semi structured interview, focus group discussion, etc. and write a report with practical recommendations for the project

Health promotion


Design a comprehensive  HP strategy, create and adapt all HP tools   and techniques : visual support, content support (guidelines, manuals),   trainings, games etc.  

Transversal Competencies

Commitment to MSF’s Principles

Demonstrates loyalty, awareness and respect for MSF’s values

  • Expresses his/her interest by talking/asking/giving informed opinions about MSF’s activities.
  • Expresses he/she wants to work with MSF because of its principles and mission.
  • Overtly expresses his/her satisfaction at belonging to MSF and defends MSF’s social mission.
  • Refers to beneficiaries* when speaking about his/her own work.
  • Always transmits a positive image of MSF in front of both colleagues and external people.
  • Translates the principles of MSF into actions.

Behavioural Flexibility

Adapts behaviour to the needs of the situation

  • Accepts decisions which are not completely in line with his/her personal opinions.
  • Is flexible in applying and adapting procedures.
  • Adapts his/her behaviour to the characteristics of the interlocutor and/or situation.
  • Learns from problems and difficulties, becoming more competent at resolving similar situations in the future.
  • Looks for adaptable solutions in order to achieve objectives.
  • Reassesses priorities when circumstances change, focusing on objectives. 

Stress Management

Understands other people’ s stress

  • Has an understanding attitude towards other people’s mistakes and shortcomings.
  • Gives calm and polite answers and repeats them patiently if necessary.
  • Uses techniques or plans activities to manage his/her own stress.
  • Responds and acts constructively in conflictive situations. 

Results and Quality Orientation

Works towards objectives, preserving established standards

  • Perseveres until the objectives of the job and the team have been met.
  • Complies with the procedures, processes and rules set by MSF.
  • Is aware that the purpose of his/her job is to meet the specified objectives.
  • Is autonomous.
  • Mobilizes resources.
  • Analyses problems and constraints. 

Teamwork and Cooperation

Shares information and coordinates with team and/or others

  • Shares significant information in a timely manner and actively seeks the opinion of team members or others through empathetic communication.
  • Allows others to question work/input if this leads to improvement.
  • Coordinates with other team members to ensure that common objectives are achieved.
  • Shows interest in and empathy with team members. 

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